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Diner’s Club January 17 2023

The Diner’s Club Peer Group meets every month at local accessible restaurants for dinner. This club gives people with disabilities a chance to share life experiences and enjoy various cuisines. With indoor dining now an option, and restaurant capacities increasing we are resuming our monthly Diner’s Club events. Please RSVP […]

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Bagged Lunches

Independent Living Centre Kingston is partnering with students at St. Paul Catholic School to handout bagged lunches! First come first served. Thursday, December 8, 2022, starts at 11:00 am. Location: 540 Montreal Street We look forward to seeing you!

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Community Lending Program

Independent Living Centre Kingston would like to introduce its newest service, the Community Lending Program.  This program provides a range of assistive devices free of charge to those in need.  Items available include canes, wheelchairs, and walkers, among other items. Items will be subject to availability.  The length of time […]

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FLASH Silent Auction for United Way

FLASH Silent Auction for the United Way!  Independent Living Centre Kingston is having a Flash Silent Auction event for two tickets to the Kingston Grand Theatre.  Submit your bids to Natalie at ndupuis@ilckingston.com or 613-542-8353 by Sunday November 27th for your chance to win!

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Diner’s Club Fall/Winter 2022

The Diner’s Club Peer Group meets every month at local accessible restaurants for dinner. This club gives people with disabilities a chance to share life experiences and enjoy various cuisines. With indoor dining now an option, and restaurant capacities increasing we are resuming our monthly Diner’s Club events. Please RSVP […]

The Disability Inclusion Action Plan Survey

Your Experience Matters: The Disability Inclusion Action Plan Survey in English, ASL, French and LSQ, is an accessible survey used by Independent Living Canada in order to collect feedback from a broad range of Canadians with disabilities, both visible and invisible. While the Bridging the Gap project has primarily focused […]

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Diner’s Club October 18 2022

The Diner’s Club Peer Group meets every month at local accessible restaurants for dinner. This club gives people with disabilities a chance to share life experiences and enjoy various cuisines. With indoor dining now an option, and restaurant capacities increasing we are resuming our monthly Diner’s Club events. Please RSVP […]

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Diner’s Club August 15th

The Diner’s Club Peer Group meets every month at local accessible restaurants for dinner. This club gives people with disabilities a chance to share life experiences and enjoy various cuisines. With indoor dining now an option, and restaurant capacities increasing we are resuming our monthly Diner’s Club events. Please RSVP […]